A Few of our Finest Singers and Players A to G
Mary C. Caul moved with her husband Peter to Arnold's Cove from Davis's Cove during the 1960s. She had an incredible memory for the lengthy ballads that she heard as a young girl growing up in Clattice Harbour. She was a regular at the St. John's Folk Festival for a number of years and she sang at church concerts and gatherings in Arnold's Cove. Mrs. Caul loved to sing and share her songs.
Mary Caul's Songs
Crockery Ware. A comic song of courting in the dark.

Collected by Linda Byrne.

There was a Youth. A long ballad of lovers separated and reunited.
Audio from the 1977 Newfoundland and Labrador Folk Festival. Courtesy of the Digital Archives Initiative. Memorial University of Newfoundland.