How We Changed Our Ways and Our Tunes
Alice Please Believe Me. Tony Collins' song of a broken family had them crying in their beer down on The Base in Argentia. From There's No Place Like Home. Sawyer Hill Productions. 2012.

Barque in the Harbour. Don Walsh and the guys from from Red Island give us on old song with a new rock & roll beat. From In Pursuit of the Wild Bologna. Clode Sound.1978.

Biddy McGraw. The Hilltoppers give us an upbeat version of an Irish favourite. Featuring Adrian O'Keefe, Ed Bennett, Dan Gambin, Leo Power and Jerome Hann. From There's No Place Like Home. Sawyer Hill Productions. 2012.

The Census Taker. Jack Wadman, Joachim Bennett and Pat Greene give us this satirical song about the 1961 census composed by Alfred Whiffen. Sung to the tune of Johnny Horton's Sink the Bismarck.

Don't Tell Jeannie I'm Blind. A young soldier makes one more sacrifice. From Brian Lannon with Slapped Together's Little Paradise album. Churchill Sounds. 2004.

Family Feelings. Peter O'Keefe shares a country song his father Edmund wrote in 1988 about what's truly important in life.

Johnny Blue Dungaree. Jack Wadman gives us a country song about disaster in the coal mines and love lost and won.

Jump In and Swim. Kevin Collins' inspiring county song. From Kevin Collins-Jump In And Swim. Kevin Collins. 2004

Let's Pretend. Amy and Ryan Jacobs sing a Hank Snow song from 1942.

Rockin' Pneumonia and the Boogie Woogie Flu. Bounty rocks this Johnny Rivers' song from 1972. Featuring Bill Brown, Harvey Brenton, Gerard McCarthy, Con Parsons and Gordie O'Keefe. From There's No Place Like Home. Sawyer Hill Productions. 2012.

The Texas Cowboy. Pat Greene's classic country salute to the American west.

Till the End of Time. Con Parsons version of Clayt Butt's country song about a love that will last forever. From Long, Long Before Your Time. Eagle Productions.

The Tin of Stew. Willy Greene gives us this true story of a Newfoundlander fired from the Argentia naval base in 1942 for stealing a bit of food. Sung to the tune of The Wabash Cannonball.

Your Momma Don't Dance. The Midsounds cover of the 1972 hit by rock duo Loggins and Messina. Featuring George Smith, Mark Smith, Columbus Smith and Paul White. From There's No Place Like Home. Sawyer Hill Productions. 2012.

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