A Few of our Finest Singers and Players H to Z
Eugene Pittman was born on Merasheen in 1948 and left the island when he was 19. His family moved to Placentia in 1967. Eugene fished when he was a small boy and later would come home from his construction job in St. John's to help out in the summers. He moved back to Placentia in the 1960s to fish with his father. He moved to Point Verde when he married.
Eugene Pittman's Songs
Carol Anderson. A lad breaks his mother's heart when he goes off to Canada, commits a murder and is hanged.
The Drunken Captain. The crew mutinies when the skipper endangers their lives off Cape Pine.
The Hardest of Men. An old man remembers the time when men worked hard to look after their families. Written by Bill Kelly.
Collected by Agnes Walsh for the Town of Placentia in 2008.