Some Grand Storytellers and Clever Rhymers
Doing Recitations
Coaker's Dream. Joe O'Brien's satirical piece about the founder of the Fishermen's Protective Union.

Down in the Leihigh Valley. John Moore introduces us to a tramp from the Pennsylvania bent on revenge.

The Cremation of Sam McGee. Mick Casey gives us an old favourite by Robert W. Service about an Alaskan prospector who hated the cold.

The Face on the Barroom Floor. John Moore tells us about an artist ruined by love. It was John Henry Titus in 1872 and first published in the New York Dispatch.

Mary in the Dairy. Joachim Bennett recites this a comic song made famous by British comedian Max Miller, The Cheeky Chappie, in the 1930s

The Private Still. Mick Casey recites this 19th century broadside ballad about an Irishman who outwits the exciseman.

Riverhead. Fergus Leonard gives us a poem about going fishing up in in St. Mary's Bay.

St. Patrick's Birthday. Paddy Judge gives us a bit of a old recitation about a favourite saint.

Slim Jim. John Moore recounts the adventures of a New York burglar who takes to the drink and kills his unfaithful wife and her lover.

The Yankee Privateer. Baxter Wareham's fine recitation about outwitting the Americans in 1793. From Buffett Double. Pigeon Inlet Productions. 1989.
